Back to School Bookbag Sign-ups!

The Chaplaincy back-to-school backpack and school supply giveaway is now underway! If you have forgotten to sign your kids up for backpacks, don’t be discouraged! We will continue to share book bags and school supplies even after the deadline as we were blessed with an abundance of both supplies and bags this year from our local […]

Backpack and School Supply Collection

The Chaplaincy back-to-school backpack and school supply giveaway is, in many ways, our second biggest program of each year. We are already preparing to give them a great start to the year. This is a opportunity to be a mighty blessing to many young people. Please share this opportunity to help with your friends and […]

Health Insurance for track workers!

Affordable Health insurance is coming to the track once again! Race Track Chaplaincy is teaming up with the Health Federation of Philadelphia for a third time to provide insurance for our workers! Do you need health insurance for yourself or a family member? Please join the LaSalle nurses with Mature Health Connections on: May 8th, at 9:30 […]